MCW MEB + HRC Third Floor Renovation logoMCW MEB + HRC Third Floor Renovation

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Design Development is Underway

Design Development is underway, continuing user meetings and starting to further define space needs, such as understanding AV/technology needs in classrooms. The team is also beginning to analyze furniture and interior finish options.

Please contact Brian Unser, with any questions.

Posted on 26th January 2024

by Elizabeth Strutz, Flad Architects

Schematic Design Starts

The Schematic Design process has started, with the first round of user meetings held on December 18th. The Schematic Design Phase begins to further define details based on the final program and conceptual layouts. The meetings focused on instructional space needs, including ideal furniture layouts, instructor set-ups, and storage needs. Thank you to all of the instructors who participated!

For more information, please contact Brian Unser at

Posted on 19th December 2023

by Elizabeth Strutz, Flad Architects

Survey Results Available

Thank you for completing our stakeholder surveys. The results will be helpful going into the design of the MEB/HRC Level 3 renovation.

If you would like to see the results, please access the interactive dashboards by clicking on the links below:

Employee Survey Results:

Student Survey Results:

Please contact Brian Unser with any questions at

Posted on 9th November 2023

by Elizabeth Strutz, Flad Architects

We want your feedback!

Students and staff, we want to hear from you! Please take the following surveys to inform the redesign of 3rd floor HRC/MEB.



Please contact Brian Unser with any questions.

Posted on 12th October 2023

by Elizabeth Strutz, Flad Architects

Program Validation Round 2 Meetings to be held on 10/10

Flad will be meeting with each of the affected stakeholder groups onTuesday, October 10thto further discuss the 3rd floor renovation project. Please contact Brian Unser, Project Manager, bunser@mcw.eduwith any questions.

Posted on 3rd October 2023

by Elizabeth Strutz, Flad Architects

Program Validation Round 1 Meetings to be held 9/11 & 9/12

Flad Architects will be meeting with leaders from impacted groups on September 11 and 12.

1. Academic Affairs

2. Office of Research

3. PA Program

4. MSA Program

5. Office of Global Health

6. MSTP Program

7. Kern Institute

Here is the high level process for validating the space program for the 3rd floor renovations:

Posted on 5th September 2023

by Elizabeth Strutz